Project Updates

Sarah Bliese wins 4 year Naughton Fellowship

Author: Marya Lieberman

Chemistry graduate student Sarah Bliese plans to make a difference in the health of people all over the world through her 2017 Naughton Graduate Fellowship.  Air pollutants cause thousands of deaths each year.  However, in much of the developing world, technological infrastructure for collecting even basic measurements about air quality is absent, so regulators have little to act upon. Only 10 of the 47 countries in sub-Saharan Africa have even a single air quality monitoring station reporting to WHO today.  Sarah will develop and test a new type of sensor network. The network uses small numbers of  sensor pods to calibrate hundreds of inexpensive paper test cards that can be deployed by citizen scientists--even by high school students.  

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Troy HS demos PADs

Author: Marya Lieberman

Quinn Favret and Arnav Ramu at Troy HS in Michigan worked on a project to solve the problem of counterfeit drugs and came across the PAD project.  We sent them some samples to show in their presentation.  Good luck to these young problem solvers!  

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PADs in Bangladesh?

Author: Marya Lieberman

The national quality control lab for pharmaceuticals in Bangladesh is a busy site; the photo shows dissolution testing in progress.  Prof. Lieberman visited in mid-March to discuss use of PADs as a component of risk-based quality screening.  Although the lab in Dhaka is fully modern and another lab…

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New blog to watch

Author: Marya Lieberman

Ght Blog Logo

This blog  focuses on new technologies with potential to impact global heath.  The PAD project is highlighted in the 14 Nov. 2016 posting.


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Nick's fast pitch on iodine nutrition brings him $1,000

Author: Marya Lieberman

Nicholas Myers pitched the saltPAD at the Micronutrient Forum in Cancun Mexico, explaining how this simple paper device could help program managers monitor iodine nutrition.  He won second prize, out of a field of 70 entrants from 18 countries.  The pitch was repeated in 1 minute format at the gala…

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Jamie Luther wins poster prize at MUACC

Author: Marya Lieberman

Jamie Luther presented a poster at the October 12 MUACC meeting at the University of Illinios Urbana-Champaign and received a poster prize from the assembled analytical chemists.  The poster described the "milkPAD" she is developing to detect adulteration of dairy milk, a bit of unsavory product manipulation…

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ACS press conference on PAD project

Author: Marya Lieberman

Marya Lieberman and Sarah Bliese were invited to give a press conference at the  252nd National ACS meeting in Philadelphia.  We described how PADs can help to address the flood of low quality drugs now swamping developing countries and answered lots of questions;  view the whole thing here

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MITI health battles poor quality drugs in Kisumu region

Author: Marya Lieberman

MITI Health was started by Stanford medical student Jessica Vernon as a way to provide high quality medicines to pharmacists in Kenya.  The PAD project and AMPATH are partners with MITI Health;  we help them conduct confirmatory assays on suspicious products.   This KQED news piece describes how a…

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Problems in Kenyan Pharmacy and Poisons Board?

Author: Marya Lieberman

Business Daily Africa reports on a whistleblower's claims that in exchange for bribes, the Pharmacy and Poisons board issued permits for non-registered suppliers to import low-quality drugs into Kenya between 2005 and 2011.  The Chief Registrar is implicated in the claims.  We'll be following this…

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REU students return from Kenya trip

Author: Marya Lieberman

Muriel Mcclendon (Chicago State University), Sarah Bliese (Hamline College), and Albert Vargas (UND) spent two weeks in Eldoret and Nairobi as part of the Analytical Chemistry REU program.  Muriel worked on a quantitative paper test card for antibiotics and gave a presentation at Eldoret University,…

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