Kat Hayes and Vincent Schmitz awarded $30,000 in pitch competition

Author: Marya Lieberman

The Disease Diagnostic INventors Challenge provides funding to focus measurement science and engineering creativity at Purdue, IU, IBRI and Notre Dame on innovations with the potential to address unmet biomedical needs. Kathleen Hayes and Vincent Schmitz brought together the research strengths of the Whalen and Lieberman groups at Notre Dame to tackle the difficult task of detecting bad quality or fake oxytocin.  There is currently no field test available for oxytocin quality, and studies show that about 1 in 4 vials dispensed to women in Africa do not meet quality standards.  Good luck to these energetic first year grad students!


Oxytocin Tracy Holding At Rmbh


Tracy Lockwood holds a vial of oxytocin at the Reilly Mother-Baby Hospital in Eldoret, Kenya